This book supports a world where coders or designers provide smart building blocks to citizens
who then build a solution to their specific needs in a controlled environment.
No-code is growing rapidly and it is here to stay. This book shows you how to have the best of
both worlds.
Develop your own no-code system that fits like a glove and do it blazing fast by using our
pre-build customizable templates and code snippets.
Use this powerfull system to let your organization build complex apps in minutes and scale them
for years to come.
Everything in the book is based on open source software and basicly for free. But there are
plenty of commercially supported alternatives when needed.
The first part of the book defines the mindset and shows how you can organize code that can be used as no-code. It also covers how to handle legacy software.
The second part shows the reader on how the buildingblocks can be used to provide infinite value to any organization.
The third part gives practical pointers on topics like change management, machine learning, training and much more to support Building Blocks in your organization.
What once was something only for a happy few fortune 500 companies, is now being rebuilt from te ground up as an open-source project and community . These ideas are spreading with people who manage large software portfolios, but also with start-up founders and small teams looking for the most bang for their budget.
Hot topics
Most no-code systems work wonderfull for prototyping, but need a comple rewrite into code before going into production? Learn how to avoid these pitfalls.
We go into more detail on what you can do to improve the User AND Developer experience in no-code systems.
A new version comes with a set of new themes, templates and updated tools. Enjoy!
We created our plants' entire digital communication system in less than a week using Building Blocks.
Our prototype was built in a week, 4 days later we went into production and had our first paying customer.
The Building Blocks system is basicly free.
All content is freely available in the form of individual articles on the website and our
Additionally, a convenient reference book is released regularly for people willing to sponsor
the project and wanting to have all the exclusive scoops before everyone else.